There are two kinds of cherries, sweet and tart, and although the taste and use of each is quite different, both have similar health benefits. I recommend tart cherry juice to my clients with gout and inflammation and most have reported beneficial results. As with all foods, although flavor is important, the health benefits of cherries is definitely the main reason we should be eating them.
The facts about cherries
- Cherries belong to the peach, plum, apricot and almond family
- They are versatile and also used in desserts and mixed drinks, although certainly they’re good in those too and most popular
- Have a very short season from May to July, although it can extend to September
- Cherries freeze well, but are susceptible to diseases and spoil quickly so should be kept in a cool place or refrigerated immediately
- This country produces 370 million pounds of cherries every year
Did you know that…?
Cherries can
- provide antioxidant protection and lower risk of stroke
- contribute cancer preventive compounds
- decrease pain from arthritis, inflammation and gout
- induce sleep with the production of Melatonin
- reduce post-exercise muscle soreness
- help control weight - 1 cup has 100 calories and 3 grams fiber, plus B vitamins that help convert nutrients to energy