But that’s not all there is about beef. Beef is source of good quality protein and essential vitamins and minerals. So if you choose to eat meat and enjoy a good cut of beef, look for grass fed beef that has been grown in the right conditions, free from antibiotics, hormones and not fed corn as the finish. Buy the leanest cuts and always trim the outer fat layer before cooking. Use a cooking method that will help drain fat instead of frying. If stewing or cooking in a sauce, keep it low fat skimming the fat from the liquid before serving, and use only a small amount of salt. A small portion of beef is enough, so limit your piece to 2 or 3 ounces and add enough healthy high fiber side dishes to make up the difference in volume for a whole meal.
Shopping tip:
When shopping for beef, buy range fed only on grass and in rotating pastures, preferably butchered humanely. Learn to accept meat that comes from thinner steers with less fat, and buy in smaller amounts, planning on serving smaller portions.
A 3 ounce portion of ground beef patty made from 85% lean meat and 15% fat when broiled will provide 213 calories, 22 grans if protein, 13 grams of fat, 61 mg of sodium, 270 mg of potassium and no carbohydrate. You can enjoy your beef guilt free when you're well informed.
This blog displays two beef cuts charts to help you choose the best cuts for you. But be forewarned; each country cuts beef a different way, so if you travel and order beef be sure you look at their chart so you know what cut you're getting.